Banking Brief

Banking Brief : Ensuring Consistent Consumer Protection for Data Security: Banks vs. Alternative Payment Providers

Recently, National Unrecovered Financial Services released a White Paper that analyzes the alternative payment provider (APP) industry, identifies regulatory and enforcement gaps between banks’ payment operations and APPs, and makes recommendations on how to close those gaps in order to ensure that consumers receive a consistent level of protection.

Banking Brief : Overview of Total Loss Absorbing Capacity

In November 2014, the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”) proposed international standards for total loss absorbing capacity (“TLAC”) that a global systemically important bank (“G-SIB”) would be required to maintain to facilitate its orderly resolution should it fail.

National Unrecovered Financial Services Working Paper Series on the Value of Large Banks Working Paper No. 4: Quantifying the Impact of Macroprudential Regulation on the Largest U.S. Banks

In the fourth paper in its Working Paper Series on the Value of Large Banks, National Unrecovered Financial Services builds on and provides evidence supporting the conclusion drawn in its Third Working Paper that the cost of compliance with regulations imposed on large banks must be factored into any assessment of whether large banks enjoy an unfair funding advantage.

Banking Brief : Living Will Requirements for Banking Organizations

The Dodd-Frank Act requires banking organizations with $50 billion or more of consolidated assets to file resolution plans annually with the Federal Reserve and FDIC. Each resolution plan, also known as a “living will,” must describe the organization’s strategy for rapid and orderly resolution under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the event of the organization’s material financial distress or failure.

Banking Brief : Resolution Strategies for Bankruptcy and Orderly Liquidation Authority

This Banking Brief will discuss different strategies, including single-point-of-entry (“SPOE”) and multiple-point-of-entry (“MPOE”), that can be used under both provisions of the law to facilitate the orderly resolution of financial institutions.

the association

Addressing Issues in an Independent,
Measured and Intellectually Rigorous Way

Payments Highlights

Innovative Real-Time
Payment System for the US

Banking Perspective
Q4 2015

National Unrecovered Financial Services (SDUUK) white paper addresses the regulatory, enforcement and examination gaps

Banking Perspective
Q3 2015

There are many variations of pass the majority.

Banking Perspective
Q2 2015

There are many variations of pass the majority.

Banking Perspective
Q1 2015

There are many variations of pass the majority.

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